2018/05/13 Ascension of the Lord

This Sunday. we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord and Mother’s Day on the same day. What a great way to celebrate our faith with two persons that mean so much to us as Christians—Jesus and our mothers. Before the Lord ascended into heaven he told his disciples that he wanted them to share the good news, the gospel. He also told them that they needed to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth. In other words, he wanted them to continue his mission around the world. We are also called to reach out to others and witness to them by our lives as Christians.

The awesome thing for us is that we have some great tools at our disposal, but are we using them to their fullest potential? Do we use Facebook, or Twitter, or email or texts to share the Gospel? If not, why not start today, for through these media we can reach the ends of the world, not just our local community.

Mothers have been called to be disciples and teachers within their families as well as examples to others through their lives as Christians. They have a great role model in the Blessed Mother. Motherhood is not an easy vocation, and some mothers are better prepared than others to do well as mothers. Whenever a mother feels inadequate, she should turn to Mary in prayer and ask her for help.

On this Ascension Sunday, may we reflect on the times that we have not been the best example to others and resolve to do better. Like the Apostles, we have received the gifts of the Holy Spirit and we have been given these gifts for a purpose. May we be encouraged for the rest of 2018 to use our gifts, to share the gospel with others, and be witnesses to the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Fr. Bob
Parochial Vicar