Faith Formation Ministry

Following the call to bring people to a closer relationship with Jesus, Faith Formation promotes, nurtures, and offers life-long formation for those ministering to children and adults by providing courses on faith formation and catechetical topics, catechetical certification through the Diocese of Palm Beach Florida, and retreats in both English and Spanish. 

Please note: Virtus: “Protecting God’s Children” will be provided for all children and teens during the course of the year. Catechist at St. Juliana Church have all been certified by the Diocese of Palm Beach. They are all background checked and Virtus Trained.

Sacramental Preparation through the Office of Faith Formation:

Baptism Preparation (Catechetical age)
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
First Eucharist information
Confirmation Preparation
RCIA with Marriage Communication
RCIA with Adaptation for Children, and Teens
RCIA/OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults


Jackie Moyeno
St. Juliana Faith Formation Director

Cynthia Flores
Faith Formation Office Assistant

Click here to get information about the Sacraments

PreK thru Grade 1st – This program helps and guides children to begin building blocks in forming a deeper connection in their faith life. In each class, the children gather for prayer, song, and an activity that taps into something they already know or have experienced and introduces the Sunday Gospel theme. They proclaim the Gospel together and then learn the related Church teaching and doctrine. Games, discussion questions, and activities reinforce the Scripture, doctrine, and life application. They are building on their own personal faith life with Christ. (Materials used: Praying with your Five Fingers by Paraclete Publishers, Our Father Activity Sheet by LTP, The Sunday Gospels by Pflaum Publishers)

This is a process for children preparing to receive their First Reconciliation and First Communion. The children’s attendance at class provides, Prayer Center, and hands-on projects regarding Reconciliation and the Eucharist which are in the heart of these sessions. First Holy Communion is received as a group. Parents are encouraged to take a monthly class regarding the various Sacraments to better understand the full deep meaning of engaging in the sacramental life of the child, and also to help build a stronger faith life at home with their children and families. During the season of Advent and Lent, the opening prayer should have The ACT OF CONTRITION. Children entering the second grade will complete a 2 year term 2nd grade focusing on the Sacrament of Reconciliation and 3rd Grade on the Gospels and Eucharist, and the same follows for children who enter at a later time. First Communion will be received once the 2 year first Communion preparation is completed. (Materials that are used for this preparation are the following: From Mass to Mission by Joyce Donahue; Understanding the Mass and Its Significance for Our Christian Life for Children, Leader’s Guide provides parish catechists with the tools for teaching children about the Mass. The Sunday Gospels by Pflaum Publishers. They proclaim the Gospel together and then learn the related Church teaching and doctrine. Together in Jesus First Reconciliation and First Communion Packet).

This is very essential as the children continue to build their faith life through the sacraments already received. (Materials that are used for this process: Understanding the Mass and its significance for From Mass to Mission by Joyce Donahue; Understanding the Mass and Its Significance for Our Christian Life for Children, Leader’s Guide provides parish catechists with the tools for teaching children about the Mass. The Sunday Gospels by Pflaum Publishers. They proclaim the Gospel together and then learn the related Church teaching and doctrine.) (Catechists also receive the following materials: Celebrating the Lectionary based on the grade level with based resources; Liturgical Calendar; All students receive 28 lessons of the Pflaum material. Teaching Guides for catechists; and added material).

Pre-Confirmation Preparation/ Every class begins with an opening prayer which is based on the following weeks Gospel: catechists are required to build an altar based on the Gospel, Liturgical Season, Saint and/or the Gospel relating it to concerns and issues that are tangible with what is occurring in society, community, or the world. (The weeklies Pflaum guide them to build a lesson plan) children will interact in small group sessions. During the season of Advent and Lent, the opening prayer should include The ACT OF CONTRITION. This will allow students to be familiarized with the prayer during their Reconciliation either at the retreat, or at a Reconciliation Service. The children will be building community amongst themselves and have group activities in small groups.

Pre Confirmation Preparation/Every Every class begins with an opening prayer which is based on the following weeks Gospel: (Follow the above example) catechists are required to build an altar based on the Gospel, Liturgical Season with the saint of the day or week relating it specifically with the Saints for discussion in class and how they relate to our times or in their lives. (The weeklies Pflaum will guide them along with creativity to build a lesson plan. Children will interact in small group sessions and discuss on how the Saint relates to an event, situation, life experience or etc… a saint they have witnessed or experienced. The ACT OF CONTRITION should be prayed in the opening prayer during Advent and Lent. This will allow students to be familiarized with it during their Reconciliation either at the retreat, or at a Reconciliation Service. Retreat (Easter for Youth, through the Youth Group) is mandatory for 7th, 8th, and High School 1st Year Preparation.

Every class begins with an opening prayer which is based on the following weeks Gospel: catechists are required to build an altar based on the Gospel, Liturgical Season, Saints, and from Mass to Mission. Have articles describing this part….. They will be learning the various parts of Mass and all which it entails. Liturgy is the heart of our prayer life and how we pray as a community, and they should be acquainted of its meaning and why and how we pray in various forms especially the guided steps of Mass should be very essential during this time: They will also be engaging in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how to use these gifts wisely. (Guided material Mass to Mission for teens, and a Didache Series on Confirmation, They will also be studying a complete preparation course on the Sacrament of Confirmation: Chapter 1 through Chapter 6: Teens will be engaging in conversation in group settings and speak on how they are understanding the Mass and its parts. The ACT OF CONTRITION is part of the opening prayer during the season of Advent and Lent. This will allow students to be familiarized with it during their Reconciliation on or before the retreat or at a Reconciliation Service within the Parish. Retreat is mandatory for 7th, 8th, and High School. They are also required to serve in the community a total of 10 service hours.

Every class begins with an opening prayer which is based on the following weeks Gospel: catechists are required to build an altar based on the Gospel, Liturgical Season, Saints, and the Beatitudes: (Guided material Mass to Mission, Weeklies They will also be studying a complete preparation course on the Sacrament of Confirmation: Chapter 7 through Chapter 12) Teens will be engaging in conversation in a group setting discussing the meaning of the Beatitudes and how it reflects in their everyday life. ALL 2nd YEAR CONFIMATION Students must have a one paragraph well written or typed letter to Bishop explaining why they want to be confirmed? What is the meaning of Confirmation to them? Why they chose their Saint name and what examples resonated with them? The ACT OF CONTRITION will be prayed during the opening prayer during the season of Advent and Lent. This will allow students to be familiarized with it during their Reconciliation either at the retreat, or at a Reconciliation Service within the Parish. Confirmation Retreat is mandatory for all Confirmation II students. Service Hours teens in 2nd year Confirmation II: a total of 20 per year: 10 hours are community service, and the hours are divided as follows: 10 hours are divided into Liturgical and volunteer service in the church: examples in liturgy (ushers, servers, choir, lectors, other Church activities.

A child must be at least in the second grade to prepare for their 1st Reconciliation. The child must be baptized (Note: This may or may not have occurred in The Roman Catholic Church).

First Reconciliation precedes First Eucharist (Communion). Typically, a child receives their First Reconciliation and Eucharist in 3rd Grade; however, we encourage you to wait until your child is ready. It is never too late for your child to receive their Sacraments. Once it is determined that a child is ready to receive their Sacraments, they begin the formal Sacramental Preparation Process.

Reconciliation preparation is the first formal sacramental preparation experience for young children. It is crucial that children have a sense of belonging to a church community that is warm and welcoming before beginning this preparation. In order to understand the concept of being separated from the love (of self, others, and God), children must know what it is to be connected to a nurturing community.

First Eucharist marks an important milestone in a child’s life: their first opportunity to receive the Body and Blood of Christ. Children entering First Reconciliation and First Eucharist preparation must have 2 years of formal faith formation church experience. Formal Faith Formation experience is defined as participation in the Teaching Masses, Weeklies, and Sunday Worship with the Family. Our Sacramental Preparation program is designed as a faith journey for kids and their parents. Candidates prepare for and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent followed by First Eucharist First Eucharist is a parish celebration and takes place during the Easter season.

Children of catechetical age and adults will be brought to the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and the Eucharist through the development, promotion, and implementation of the initiation process presented in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. This liturgical rite of the church is the official norm to be followed in the initiation of adults and children who have reached catechetical age.

When the sacraments of initiation are celebrated for children who have reached catechetical age, (7years old through 17 years old) it is assumed that they will also celebrate all the rites belonging to the catechumenate. The Code of Canon Law states, “The provisions of the canons on adult baptism apply to all those who, being no longer infants, have reached the use of reason.” Thus, children from approximately the age of seven years to around 17 years are to be considered of “catechetical age”

(Canon 852). Children, like adults, travel a journey of faith based on their spiritual progress. Various rites mark their growth in faith and culminate with the celebration of baptism, confirmation, and the Eucharist. In general, children follow the same path towards initiation as adults. There is one initiation process for both adults and children. Please contact the Office of Faith Formation for more information: 561-833-1278

R.C.I.A. or Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a process for people who would like to know more about the Roman Catholic faith. Those who would like to receive the Sacraments of Initiation, that is, Baptism, Confirmation and Communion. It is also for those who desire to be received in full communion to the Catholic Church or who would like to convert to the Catholic Church.

The RCIA process has several distinct stages. These Catholic RCIA stages are a good model of faith development itself.

Inquiry: the initial period before you decide to enter the Catholic Church. You’re asking questions and checking it out but aren’t yet ready to commit.

Catechumenate: those who decide to enter the Church and are being trained for a life in Christ are called catechumens, an ancient name from the early Church. In this stage, you’re developing your faith and are being “catechized”—learning catechism, or the basic points about Catholic faith and life.

Purification and preparation: The Church will help you focus and intensify your faith as you prepare you to commit your life to Christ and be received into the Church at Easter. If you’re following the RCIA process, you’ll go through a beautiful series of Gospel-based meditations during Lent, which is the time frame of this period.

Initiation itself, the culmination of the whole process! You’re received into the Church during the Easter Vigil Mass, where you’ll receive the sacraments of initiation: baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist. (If you’ve already been baptized, you won’t be baptized again. You will be considered a candidate in completion of the sacraments of initiation).

Mystagogy: after reception into the Church at Easter, this period lets you reflect and learn more about the mysteries of the Mass and the Sacraments that you now participate in fully.

Are you interested in learning more about Catholicism? Do you have friends or acquaintances who are questioning what Catholicism is all about? Do you have Catholic family members or friends who have fallen away from the Faith? Invite them to investigate the truth about Catholicism by joining the RCIA group here at St. Juliana. Our group meets once a week for the length of the school year, beginning in late august. Practicing Catholics are encouraged to join as well – you are guaranteed to learn things about the Church you never knew! The program is open for adults 18 and over.

Click here to get more information about the R.C.I.A.

The Quinceañera should not be an excuse to have a party. It is a time of thanksgiving for life, family, community, and our parish faith life.

Click here for the Guidelines for the Quinceañera Celebration St. Juliana Catholic Church

Click aquí para leer la Guía para la Celebración de las Quinceañeras de St. Juliana Catholic Church