Rev. Daniel Donohue
I was born on February 2, 1967 in Daytona Beach, Florida. My family was not Catholic, but I had a profound conversion experience when I was fourteen and entered the Catholic Church. My parish of Christian initiation was St. Brendan’s in Ormond Beach. When I was sixteen, I sensed a call to the priesthood and religious life and explored many possibilities. Not finding the right place by eighteen, I decided to leave Florida and attend college in Ohio at Franciscan University of Steubenville. I continued to sense and pursue my call there. After graduating, I explored religious life for a few years but eventually “discerned out.” I returned to Steubenville for a Master of Science degree in education and began working as a high school teacher and later as a school administrator.
In 2004, I returned to Florida to help my ailing grandmother who lived in Stuart. In 2006, after she required twenty-four-hour care in a nursing home, I moved to Fort Lauderdale and got a job teaching English at Fort Lauderdale High School. During that period, I looked for a spiritual director and found one at St. Malachy Parish in Tamarac. After several sessions, he said, “Dan, I still think you have a vocation to the priesthood. I want you to look into it.” I followed his advice, and in 2018, I applied to enter priestly formation for the Diocese of Palm Beach. To my surprise, I was accepted even at my age. I attended St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary from 2018 until graduation in 2022, and on May 14, I was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Barbarito and assigned to St. Juliana’s. I am very happy to be here, and I look forward to walking with each one you on this journey of faith.
¡Dios los bendiga!